Good day for a dress & hat

Mommy had an eye specialist appointment so Piper and Grandmum tagged along.  They kept busy in the waiting room and zoomed around outside for a bit.  Piper was very well behaved!

She had another great day doing all her usual things;  eating, sleeping and playing.  It’s so fun to watch her face light up when someone new walks into the room or just hearing fun music.  She is such a blessing and we are so lucky to have her around.

3 thoughts on “Good day for a dress & hat

  1. We really are so blessed to have Piper Grace with us and it’s been a joy to be here with her everyday to see how she  is growing and developing into a sweet little girl.  She greets me every morning with a HAPPY smile and we have had a great time together.   I have so enjoyed my "nanny duties" these past couple of weeks  which I feel are just really being a loving grandma to my cherished Piper.  

    Love you!!

  2. And yet, another darling HAT appears!!!
    What a baby doll! We are really looking forward to seeing you soon,
    dear Piper (and Mommy and Daddy, too, of course!)
    Love and blessings+

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