Girls day at the beach

Today, Piper, Mommy and Grandma headed down to the beach to visit Aunt Becca.  The day was packed with lots of adventure.  First, Piper saw her cousin Gabby and they did a bit of strolling on the strand together.  After parting ways the 4 girls kept walking and enjoyed all the sights and sounds of the ocean. They stopped for lunch and Piper had a great time playing in her stroller and entertaining herself.  She did lots of talking today and blew tons of raspberries.  We aren’t sure what got into her but we loved it all!

Piper was able to enjoy her own lunch on the sandy beach.  After checking out the waves she was fast asleep by the time we made it back to Aunt Bec’s apartment.  What a fun filled day! 

Piper and the girls at lunch

Piper and Aunt Bec blowing raspberries together

Piper and cousin Gabby

2 thoughts on “Girls day at the beach

  1. Good morning, all!
    How great to see all of you girls together having such a great time!
    It sure looked like it was "…a beautiful day in the neighborhood! "
    We are looking forward to seeing you soon and maybe even doing a bit of beach-walking with the girls, too!
    Love and blessings+

  2. Sure looks like you had a great day at the beach – what fun! Thanks for sharing so many photos of the day. I just love to see all of them and all of you. Have fun today with Piper, Grandma.
    Love ya lots.

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