Birthday Party

Piper got to go to her friend Gracie’s 2nd birthday party today.  She was all dressed up in her new pink dress and was the cutest baby at the party!  She was sleeping when we arrived and was able to get in a few more winks of sleep until the girls discovered her.  After that she was just so entertained by everything that was going on around. 

Piper had such a great time at the party and can’t wait for her next one.  Fun hat, dress and lots of people to love her up makes for a wonderful day out.

3 thoughts on “Birthday Party

  1. We may need a second opinion on the bold "cutest baby at the party" statement. What does Grandma Snitger think? That will carry REAL weight!
    Love the dress!!

  2. Could that little girl be any cuter in her new party dress and hat?  I have no doubt that she was the Belle of the Ball.  It won’t be too long before she will have her own big birthday party.


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