Happy Memorial Day

Piper was sleeping so soundly last night then woke up to a big surprise to find Grandma Snitger this morning!  They played and had a great time together.  Piper loved all the extra attention that only Grandma’s can give.

Daddy cooked up a whole bunch of fun stuff on the grill and we had a wonderful dinner while Piper bounced and entertained us in her exer-saucer.  What a great way to spend a Monday!

One thought on “Happy Memorial Day

  1. Good morning, Piper Grace!
    How nice it is that Grandma Jeannie is visiting!
    We were able to visit Cousins Michael, Adam and Ethan over the weekend and we are looking forward to seeing you and Cousin Gabrielle Marie soon!
    Have a wonderful time with Grandma Snitger!
    Love and blessings to all+

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