Hot Hot Hot!!!

It was another day of triple digit temperatures which meant another boring day inside.  Although Piper loved it because she got lots of love and attention from both mommy and daddy.  This evening was pleasant that we could all sit outside while daddy was hard at work at the bbq. 

4 thoughts on “Hot Hot Hot!!!

  1. Look at those bright shiny eyes and that sweet little smile – Piper you are getting cuter and cuter. It really doesn’t look like the heat is affecting her!
    Love ya lots.

  2. WARNING:  Be careful or you may find yourselves being arrested and charged with  possession of an overly-cute child!
    Love the hat AND the sundress!

  3. Good Morning,

    The first picture is absolutely the cutest one I’ve seen, if that’s possible.  Piper is definitely a hat girl and looks quite comfortable no matter what the temperature.  Enjoy the warmth because we’re cold and rainy.

    Love to you all,

  4. What a cutie pie you are Piper!   It is so amazing to watch you grow into such a lovable little girl with such beautiful smiles.  Can’t wait to see you!!
    Love you!

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