Piper and Prunes

Yesterday, Piper had her first taste of prunes which is the last of the fruits to sample.  We thought this one might not be so yummy to her but she loved them.  Now we can start rotating all the fruit she’s had in the past with her cereal in the mornings.

Piper is getting strong.  She sits so well on her own now.  The other day she started to fall over but was able to catch and stable herself.  And now she can support her weight while holding on to something for brief periods of time (see photo below).  There is still no real desire to roll over though…

2 thoughts on “Piper and Prunes

  1. What a face!!
    You do a wonderful job capturing Piper’s special moments!
    We feel as though we are right there with  you.
    Love and blessings+

  2. What a great picture with the prunes and just look at her standing!!!  It won’t be long before she will be crawling all over your house.  That’s when the fun begins.  She is growing way too fast but it’s so much fun to watch her learn new things.  

    Love to you all

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