His Girl Saturday

Piper had a very social day which started off the fun morning by hanging out with her daddy.  They made breakfast then had alot of play time together.  She was able to do some bouncing on her legs plus take a ride on daddy’s shoulder’s.

After a short nap, we went into Old Town for some shopping and lunch.  Piper missed her afternoon nap time because there was too much going on.  Then, she had a surprise visit from her Aunt Becca who just came by to love Piper up – it was a really neat day.

One thought on “His Girl Saturday

  1. Daddy and Piper look like they are having a great time together! What a wonderful way to spend the day !!   And what fun to watch daddy cook.  I bet she will learn a lot from him while observing in the kitchen.  Your dad is the best cook Piper so keep watching.
    Love you,

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