Feeling hot hot hot….

Piper enjoyed indoor activities since the temperature hit nearly 100 degrees topped with wildfires in the area.  We decided to stay in with the AC on and play.  Besides all the heat it was a typical day at home.

3 thoughts on “Feeling hot hot hot….

  1. The weather may be hot but Piper sure looks
    cool as a cucumber!  And I see she is honing her
    "raspberries" skills as well!
    Great picture of Piper and Dad!

  2. Happy Birthday, Jennie,

    What a great birthday you should have with that adorable little girl.  She’s all smiles.  She must know that it’s your birthday.  Enjoy!!!

  3. We enjoyed the pictures today.  Piper, you are so cute and adorable in all the photos!!  You are growing so fast.  

    We also want to wish your Mommy  a Happy Birthday today!!  Hope you, mommy and daddy have fun celebrating.

    Happy Birthday Jen!!  We love you!

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