Safely Back Home

Piper and mommy made it home safely but not before some tearful goodbyes.  Someone must have been looking out for them because they had the middle seat open on an oversold flight which was and unexpected treat.  Piper was able to play and nap in her own seat the entire way back – she’s such a good traveler.  It was a great flight!  When they landed, daddy greeted them at the airport and got them safely home to bed.

We want to thank everyone for making Piper’s trip to Beaver such a special one.  It was great to see so many people and we look forward to doing it again soon.

2 thoughts on “Safely Back Home

  1. Piper, thank you so much for coming to visit all of us.  We miss you and your beautiful smiling face.  What a joy you are to grandpa and I.  We enjoyed every moment  we spent with you and mommy.   I know daddy is happy to have you both back home!!  

    Grandpa and I hope to see you again soon and we send our love to all of you.   Kisses and hugs!!!

  2. That looks like a very happy Daddy to have both of his girls home again. I’m sure he really missed them. It was so nice to have you home and get to see Piper – she’s growing so fast and what a little sweetheart she is. We are already looking forward to your return visit.
    Love ya lots.

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