A Fun Saturday       

Today turned out to be a pretty gloomy day but we made the best of it.  Daddy got to partake in Piper’s love for green beans.  He couldn’t believe how she gobbled them up.  Then Piper practiced sitting up on her own.  She is getting stronger and stronger every day.  After some short naps she hung out in her excersaucer and had play time on the floor.  By the time it was bath time she was pretty tired.

We can’t wait to do it all again tomorrow!

3 thoughts on “A Fun Saturday       

  1. Good morning, little family!
    Let’s add purple to the list of Piper’s "mahvelous" wardrobe colors!
    What a happy little firl!
    Love and blessings+

  2. Could there be a happier little girl?  Her smile is worth a million bucks and always makes my day.  The top picture is priceless.  

    Love ya, Piper

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