Bye Bye Grandma

One final feeding of barley cereal with Piper then it was off to the airport where Grandma took a jet ride back home to Pittsburgh.  Piper and Grandma really had a great visit and they got to do so much together.  Grandpa is still out for a few more days before he heads back to PA as well.  For now Piper is enjoying all the great attention and spoon fed yumminess!

2 thoughts on “Bye Bye Grandma

  1. Good morning, everyone!
    We can really feel for Grandma Snitger as she leaves Pasadena. We,too, know how difficult it is to say goodbye to precious grandchildren. Hopefully, we will be making a visit in the not-too-distant future to see Piper and her soon-to-be born Deelo cousin! Love the dress!

  2. Hi Piper,
      It was so nice to come out to Pasadena and visit you. We read stories, took walks, shopped and played with your toys. So much fun !!
      I was sad to leave but we all had such a  wonderful time and I am thankful for that.  Seeing your beautiful smile everyday was a true blessing.  Mommy and Daddy are doing a great job!   You are a sweet baby girl and I love you  and miss you already!!
       Hugs and Kisses,

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