
Piper loves blowing raspberries.  She has been doing this for awhile here and there.  But now she is blowing them with such force and for much longer periods of time.  It’s quite entertaining!    We have  a small clip of her below so you can get an idea of what we are talking about.  She also grabs and bats at everything.  Her little hands are quick so we have to be careful with our hair, jewelry and things we are eating.

We enjoyed a really nice lunch outdoors today. Piper was all dressed up in her new outfit.  She got pretty tired of showing off and took a small nap while we were eating.  Again, she has been such a delight everywhere we take her.  We couldn’t ask for a better baby!

3 thoughts on “Raspberries

  1. Oh boy! She’s got that down pat. how cute she looks in her little jeans and ball cap. It’s hard work entertaining everyone so the nap is essential!! have fun this weekend.
    Love ya lots.

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