Granny Nanny

Grandma got the pleasure of taking care of Piper today.  It was so fun for the both of them to get reacquainted and Piper enjoyed showing off all the new things she can do.  Grandma was amazed at how much Piper had grown since Christmas and loved being able to hold her again. 

It’s so wonderful having Grandma back out and we are looking forward to a great visit with her.  Grandpa will be here a week from Thursday and we can’t wait to see him too!

3 thoughts on “Granny Nanny

  1. Good morning to all!
    It is so nice to know that Piper and Grandma Snitger are having such a good time together! Keep those pictures coming!
    Love and blessings + to all-

  2. Ah, back together again.  I’m sure you guys will have fun getting to know each other again.  We’ll tell your friends at Brady’s Run Grille you said HI. Piper is really changing fast.  What a doll!!!
    Uncle Jack

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