Rice cereal…..UCK!

Today, Piper tried out her new highchair and rice cereal for the first time.  The highchair was a big hit.  She loved sitting up and playing with the neat activity center it came with.  Rice cereal on the other hand wasn’t so fun.  She took the first bite and it seemed to go ok until we tried another bite.  It all came back out and all over her bib.  Well, this clip should speak for itself:

4 thoughts on “Rice cereal…..UCK!

  1. Piper, darling,
    We do not blame you one bit! That stuff is totally YUCKY and your Daddy had the same reaction as you, to our recollection!
    You still look MAHVELOUS!
    Love and blessings+

  2. Boy, does that bring back memories! You will be amazed how quickly she’ll catch on and before you know it she will be eating up a storm. Piper’s new high chair looks like lots of fun and she’s sitting up there like such a big girl! Have fun!
    Love ya lots.

  3. I agree with Aunt Barb…applesauce and bananas rock! I recall that blueberry buckle was hit with my kids! You are growing so nicely. I can’t wait to hear your comments about all of us commenting on YOU!!

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