Meet Kate…Piper’s new friend

Today, was Piper’s first full day with Kate who will be taking care of her while mum heads back to work.  So far the two of them are getting along great!  Piper took her on a tour of the neighborhood to show her the sights then they had lots of play time together and a few naps.  Mum’s day went pretty well but she missed Piper alot and was glad to get home.

4 thoughts on “Meet Kate…Piper’s new friend

  1. Hey Jen-

    I know it’s hard to go back to work, especially when they still seem so little. I hope yesterday went well, it will take some time to get back into the groove. And it’s ok to cry…I know I did a few times…especially on my way to work! My advice is to do what you have to do at work, but then leave at a decent time and get home and love up on that little one!!!

    Sorry I’ve been bad about keeping in touch! Take care!

  2. Hi Jen,

    I also felt the same emotions that your mom and Tara felt.  Cried the whole way to work after Patrick was born and must have called home 15 times those first few days.  I think it effects us more than them.  They adjust so well at that age.  

    She gets more beautiful by the day, if that’s possible.  


  3. Good morning, all!
    Kate looks none the worse for wear!
    We are having a second school snow day here in Beaver. It is so pretty
    (if you don’t have to drive in it)!
    Love to all+

  4. I thought about you all day yesterday knowing your first day back to work  would be hard on you.  I remember feeling all those emotions too.  Piper’s new friend Kate will take good care of her and then as Tara said you can "love her up" when you get home

    Give Piper a big hug and kiss from us!!!

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