Friday Photo Op

As it turns out, Friday (today) was a great photo-op day where Piper was very unpredictable.  She tried on a few outfits as well as moods but ended up just as charming as ever.

She is really loving her bedtime routine.  Bath time seems to be her favorite part because she loves to splash and kick around.  Then a story and meal before off to sleepyville.  Mom & dad enjoy the sleep as well and they are hoping Piper continues with her good habits.

2 thoughts on “Friday Photo Op

  1. Wow! She looks great in yet another color! Her lips are so pretty she looks like she has lip gloss on! She is growing so beautifully! So glad she enjoys the bedtime bath and routine. Thanks for sharing!

  2. That first picture of Piper is so sweet.  What a doll baby!!   She really is growing and we so enjoy seeing her everyday on the blog.  We miss you all but hopefully we can visit soon.  Give Piper a big hug and kiss from us!!

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