Sunday blues

By ‘Sunday Blues’ we mean Piper is showing off her winter coat that is a very warm and comfy blue snowman outfit from Grandma!  So she had another day indoors while the storms outside had their way with things.

The week has been a very amazing turn around for Piper.  She has taken very nicely to the bottle and mommy couldn’t be more proud!  This all came together last Monday when Jen decided to try a bottle while Piper sat in her bouncy watching tennis and it worked.  She then gradually replaced a feeding with the bottle until all the daytime feedings were replaced.  Daddy was able to help out a few times this weekend which made things very nice!  We even tried supplementing half of a feeding with formula which she took very well to (really pushing our luck now!).  We hope it continues because we almost can’t believe our luck!  Our baby is really growing up!

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