Let’s do lunch

Piper had a very sleepy morning which rolled right into lunch time where she got to meet up with daddy!  He was working in Burbank today which is alot closer to home so Piper and mommy were able to do lunch with him.

The rest of the day she was in a good mood.  Very talkative and full of things she wanted to do.  Too bad mommy and daddy don’t have the same energy (I guess sleeping most of the day has some advantages). Piper hears her Aunt Becca is back in town and might have a surprise visit tomorrow.  Stay tuned!

One thought on “Let’s do lunch

  1. The photo of Daddy and Piper is precious – I love the hat. But I do think that it makes her look older. So nice that you all could have lunch together and spend some time. Enjoy these days.
    Love ya lots.

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