Back home again

After a nice long plane ride, Piper and mommy made it back safely to Pasadena!  Daddy was there to meet them and got them home where kitty was also waiting to greet them.  Not much socializing before they all went straight to bed.  Short night tonight, but all went well and safely back home.

4 thoughts on “Back home again

  1. We’re all so glad that you made it back home okay. It was so nice to have you here and for such a nice long visit. It’s just too bad that Dave had to return early – I’m sure he was very glad to see both of his girls and have them home safe and sound. Take care and please keep this wonderful blog going – I know that it’s a lot of work but it makes us think that we are right there with you.
    Love ya lots.

  2. Hi Piper, Dave and Jen,
      We miss you already!!  It was so wonderful to have you home this Christmas.  We had a great time with all of you.  And to have Jen and Piper home with us for a few extra days was so nice (thank you Dave)  
      Piper Grace, you are a sweet little angel and we can’t wait to see you again.  Love you all so much!!

  3. What a happy Princess we see: happy to be home again with Daddy and Mommy! We loved being able to see you so often.
    Love and blesings+

  4. Hi Piper and Jen,

    So glad to see you made it back home safe and sound and that all went well with the plane ride.  I’m sure you’re glad to be back in your nice comfy bed with daddy there.  It was so great to meet you and we hope you’ll be back in Beaver again soon.

    Love ya

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