Showing Off

Smiling and laughing just wasn’t good enough for Piper to show off today.  She took it a step further by holding herself up for quite sometime and making a show if it.  Smiling, well she can’t get enough there and then talking to whoever will listen.  The day was so pleasant and clear here in Pasadena that on a long walk around the neighborhood she fell asleep the entire way.  Once she made it home she was wide awake for activity and struck up conversation.

Tonight we all stayed in and just played.  Something nice about a Saturday night at home with the family that makes it all right.

2 thoughts on “Showing Off

  1. Congratulations  Piper – before you know it you will be running all over the place.
    We miss you guys already.  Piper is soooo beautiful and precious – can’t wait to see her again.  These pictures are wonderful.
    Aunt Sandy and Uncle Randy

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