Babbling about

Piper has really been quite the story teller recently.  She loves to babble to just about anyone who will listen.  It’s so cute!  The one photo below on the right captures her trying to tell us something.

Today, we met Daddy in Old Town (poor guy is still serving jury duty).  We walked around and took in all the holiday sights.  Piper really enjoyed looking around and seeing all the bright lights. 

Tomorrow is a pretty big day for us.  Hopefully, we can fit everything in and someone won’t get too fussy out and about. 

We want to wish Daddy an early Happy Birthday!  We can’t wait to celebrate with you tomorrow.

8 thoughts on “Babbling about

  1. Good morning to all !
    Happy birthday to Daddy David!
    This was one of the happiest days of our lives 33 years ago!

    We love you all and can’t wait for Princess Piper to update us on everything that has been happening in Pasadena, now that she is talking!
    Love and happy birthday wishes and blessings+

  2. Happy Birthday Dave!!!  Hope you are enjoying your birthday..Too bad you are on jury duty. I’m sure you will enjoy your evening with your girls.
    The pictures of Piper are so adorable.  I love  how her eyes sparkle when she smiles.  Can’t wait to see all of you next week!!

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