Bye Bye

Piper said goodbye to Grandpa until she sees him again in just a few short weeks.  We had a nice breakfast together before his trip.  Poor guy doesn’t have much luck at the Burbank  Airport.  His flight was delayed which caused him to miss his connection in Phoenix.  The plane finally left and he flew to Phoenix then to Vegas to catch the red eye.  Uck!

We want to thank Grandpa again for all his help.  It was great you could extend you trip and be with us.  Looking forward to seeing you and Grandma really soon!!

3 thoughts on “Bye Bye

  1. We can see how much Princess Piper Cupcake has grown in the past few weeks when we see pictures of her in Grandpa Snitger’s arms! We are glad everyone had a great time visiting and are lookking forward to your visit  "home"!
    Love and blessings to all+

  2. Piper, you have grown so much! You are s loved in Deelo and Snitger families! You have such a wonderful loving parents you will learn a lot from!

  3. To Pipers Mom and Dad. Thanks for letting me spend such quality time with your beautiful little girl. I had the greatest time holding Piper, rocking her, feeding her a bottle and even changing a few diapers- brings back fond memories. Jen, always my little girl, watching you care for Piper with all the love, understanding and most of all, patience for what ever mood Piper chooses makes me so proud of you. And Dave, with your strong support and love for Piper, she can’t miss. I can’t wait to see all of you in 3 weeks. Thanks again – Love ya all.

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