Happy First Thanksgiving

Piper got to experience another first today, her first Turkey Day!  What a day of wonderful smells filling the air continuing on from Grandma’s pumpkin pie last night through today’s turkey.  Then Aunt Becca came over to celebrate this the right way.  Of course, brining along a sinful side dish which added to a well rounded feast!

Tonight we’re all just sitting back and rubbing our bellies.  Tomorrow Grandma will be taking off back to Western PA.  Not to worry, a few short weeks and we’re all back together for another first.  Something about a man with a big red hat and sleigh.  Wonder if there will be anything there for Piper??

One thought on “Happy First Thanksgiving

  1. Just when you think you have seen Piper at her cutest, there is an even cuter photo! You all look wonderful, and it is great that Auntie Becca was able to join you. I can almost smell Jeannie’s pumpkin pie. Thanks for sharing!

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