Grandpa’s flight was cancelled!

Finally, the day is here when Grandpa could finally return to see his sweet baby granddaughter and his flight is cancelled due to weather.  Yes, that’s right – weather.  We can’t believe it either.  There was a low fog that moved in and they couldn’t get clearance to land.  They made it all the way over to Burbank from Phoenix and circled a few times and then had to fly all the way back.  He won’t get in until noon tomorrow.  We know it was a long few weeks for him and this will probably seem like a very long night. 

Piper was again an excellent little girl and enjoyed being out and about.  We’ve been on the go alot and she just goes with the flow getting a nap in every once in awhile.  It’s so fun to watch her checking out all the new environments she’s been in.  Piper was handing out lots of big smiles again today.  Trying to capture it on film isn’t so easy.

We would like to wish Grandpa and Grandma Snitger a special congratulations on celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary.  It’s great to have you both out here and to be able to share it with you!

2 thoughts on “Grandpa’s flight was cancelled!

  1. Congratulations to Grandma and Grandpa Snitger on their anniversary! Hope Grandpa’s plane lands this time. Piper is just so precious. Hugs and kisses to all!

  2. To All,
       That’s a shame about Grandpa’s flight.  Aunt Susie and I were sad to hear about that.  But Congratulations to the Snitger’s on their 40th anniversary!  No better way to celebrate than to be together for Thanksgiving!  Enjoy and have fun.
       Your comment about it not being easy to photograph (catch) all the smiles…welcome to our world !  The little buggers move quicker than an a cat in a room full of rocking chairs (Oops, bad analogy, huh.  Sorry)  If your camera has any shutter-lag at all, it’ll drive you crazy !!!
    Uncle Jack

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