Sweet little thing

What a day of discovery!  This little one found that she loves to suck on her hands when on her tummy.  Now hopefully she will make this same discovery when she’s right side up since it really helps calm her.  Then she rolled over again for daddy this time and he was amazed by her strength.  She hung out with daddy the rest of the day while mommy and grandmum did some running around.  Daddy even got to enjoy a nap with her in the afternoon.  Ahh yes, rest is good in any form one can get.

Weather was nice today, a bit cooler than the 80+ degrees we’ve been having.  Sorry to hear about the snow and stuff back in Beaver but it does make for a great Holiday season!  Looking forward to having Grandpa Snitger out on Sunday.  Piper and grandpa have a lot of catching up to do from when they last saw each other.

2 thoughts on “Sweet little thing

  1. Good morning from chilly Beavertown!
    Thank goodness Princess Cupcake has the occasional cute little outfit
    to wear! (We were concerned that things might be neglected in that area!)
    Have a great visit with Grandpa Ed, too.
    Love and blessings to all+

  2. What a precious little girl and how nice she looks in her pinks and purples.  It won’t be long before she will be riding all over Pasadena with Grandpa Snitger on his bike.  Hi Grandma Jeannie, I know you’re in your glory right now.

    Love to you all,

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