First night out

After a day of rest and eating, Piper woke up to see that Grandma Snitger came back!!  She was so excited that she decided tonight would be her first night out to celebrate!  So off we went to the same restaurant where only a few months earlier mom & dad ate a meal which set the labor in motion for Piper’s arrival.  She must have liked the place so much that she had to return to see what it looks like on the other side of the tummy.

All the excitement makes for one active baby!  Last night she had quite a rest and went down for nearly 6 hours straight!  We’re hoping she liked that enough where she wants to try it again.  I guess people can hope can’t they?

3 thoughts on “First night out

  1. Good morning, all!
    No doubt Grandma Jeannie saw a big difference in the Princess since she left a few weeks ago! Enjoy, Grandma!
    Love and blessings to all+

  2. She’s back!!!Yeah! How nice that all of you could go out and enjoy a meal together. When Piper is tiny like this , it’s the time to do that. Enjoy your time together – only a few more days and Grandpa will be there, too. You all look great.
    Love ya lots.

  3. You all are absolutely glowing! How exciting that Grandma and Grandpa Snitger are able to be back in California so soon! I am so excited for you all!

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