5 thoughts on “Just photos today

  1. Hi,
    These photos are wonderful – Jen you look terrific and what more is there to say about sweet little Piper. She is changing so much and looks oh so contented with her Mommy. I love getting on everyday and seeing the photos. Take care.
    Love ya lots.

  2. Good morning, everyone!
    It is a pleasure to be greeted with pictures of Princess Piper and good to see in print that she loves her mommy!
    Love and blessings to all+

  3. Hi Mom, Dad and Piper,
       It’s truly amazing how Piper is changing already.  These pictures are great. It’s fun to look every morning and see her little face.  I hope you’ll keep them coming. Give her a kiss for Aunt Susie and me !!
    Love ya,
    Uncle Jack

  4. How lucky is Dave to have 2 such beautiful ladies in his life.  Jennie, you look fabulous and so happy.   I must say that Piper has to be the best dressed baby in Pasadena.  Her outfits are just adorable and she is just changing so much.  Keep the pictures coming….they are the highlight of my day.


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