Fall Weekend

What a wonderful fall-like weekend. It actually feels like fall out here and I’m loving it!! The weather couldn’t be any better.

We had a great weekend spent with friends we don’t get to see very often. The picture above is with our friends Erin and Val in Old Town Pasadena. We were very full after enjoying good food and good conversation at our favorite Indian Restaurant. 

After doing a bit of shopping we came home and Dave put together the stroller with car seat carrier (Thank you Bechdels). Everything is very easy to use!  We practiced a few times moving the carrier in and out of the car and stroller.  We can’t wait to use it with Baby!

This is my last week at work and I have a lot to do.  Not only do I have to tie up all my lose ends but train a new person they hired to take over the administrative side of my job. This woman will remain in place when I return so I can focus on more paraprofessional duties.  I hope I get everything finished in time.

3 thoughts on “Fall Weekend

  1. Jen and Dave
    The stroller looks great!  Hope it works well with the baby in it. Sounds like you are all ready. It won’t be long – can you believe it?? I really love your site and it will be great when we can see photos of the "wee one".

  2. Love the Website!!! Especially watching my brother trying to put together a stroller..haha!! You should use one of the neighborhood rugrats as a ‘test baby’ to make sure it works alright 😉 Hope your doing well and I can’t wait to see all three of you soon!!

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