16 Months Old

Andrew can walk and run really well.  He can also walk backwards and twirl himself around.  Climbing is just starting.  Andrew has so fear and is pretty tough whenever he falls.  He also has 3 1/2 teeth and is down to one big nap (2-3hrs).  For the most part he’s a good sleeper.  The only words he says at this time are momma, dadda, kitkit (for kitty) and up.  Even though he’s a man of few words he babbles alot.  It’s funny because he’s much more into how something works than calling it by the correct name.  A few tricks he can do are wave bye-bye, do touch-down, touch his head, nose and tummy. 

Some of his favorite foods are pizza, chicken, meatballs, hot dogs, lentil soup, strawberries, cottage cheese and yogurt.  Right now he’s wanting to feed himself with a spoon which turns pretty messy.

He adores Piper and always wants to be doing what she’s doing.  She brings out the biggest giggles in him.  He also loves reading.  Right now he will bring books to us and sit in our lap.

Andrew and Piper at 16th months

3 thoughts on “16 Months Old

  1. Andrew, you are such a sweet little guy and growing up so fast.  We love seeing  and hearing all the things you can do.  Piper can teach you many new things.  It’s so nice you are best buds!!!

    Love you both!

  2. What a little man you are Andrew!! You are growing so fast and seem to be so happy all the time. We love to see all of the photos that you post watching you and Piper grow up in front of our eyes.
    Love ya lots.

  3. Grandpa’s comment and question: " Yes, Andrew can do many wonderful things. HOWEVER, does he know how to shoot a BB gun?"
    Perhaps he can learn when you come for Christmas, as we just happen to have an Official Red Ryder- carbine- action-two-hundred- shot- range- model- air- rifle with a special site and a compass in-the-stock- with a sundial  here!
    Love you+

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