Happy 6th Birthday Piper!

Happy Birthday to our sweet Piper.  Looks like she was going to have a great day celebrating at school.  She gets to wear a special sticker, her classmates sing birthday songs and everyone will enjoy donut holes as a treat.  We can’t wait to hear more about her day. DSC_0917 DSC_0923

3 thoughts on “Happy 6th Birthday Piper!

  1. Grandpa and I want wish our sweet girl a very Happy 6th Birthday!!
    Hope you have a wonderful time celebrating with everyone. We can’t wait to hear all about your special day!
    Wish we could be there with you. Love you so much!


  2. Happy Birthday Piper! Can’t believe that you are 6! I’m sure that you had a very fun day at school. Will be anxious to hear all about it! Have a great rest of he day!!
    Love you lots.

  3. Happy birthday to our oldest granddaughter, Piper Grace! We love you and hope that you had a terrific day!
    Love and prayers and blessings+++

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