Our 6 Year Old

DSC_0937Piper had a terrific birthday.  She enjoyed celebrating at school and at home.  We met Daddy at our favorite restaurant then came home to open presents and eat cake.

Piper also had her 6th year check-up with the doctor.  Overall it was a good appointment. They checked her eyes, hearing and took her blood pressure.  She’s 48 inches tall and weighs 44 1/2 pounds.  Since last year she’s gained 5 pounds and has grown 3 inches.DSC_0933 DSC_0942 IMG_3113Our favorite place to dine!

One thought on “Our 6 Year Old

  1. What a wonderful day you had, Piper! We are so happy to see you enjoying everything so much! Happy birthday, again, oldest granddaughter!
    Love and blessings+++

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