Piper’s Birthday Party

DSC_1050For Piper’s birthday party we went to Paint the Town in San Marino.  We invited her whole kindergarten class of girls and amazingly everyone was able to come.  It was great to meet all her classmates.  All the girls get along so well together.

Piper picked the painting she wanted to which was an owl with a flower.  Everyone starts with a blank canvas and the teacher guides them on how to layout the painting first in chalk.  After drawing out the owl they painted the background.  Next they painted the owl and last were the little details which also were drawn out with chalk before painting.  The girls were free to choose the color paints to make it each painting their own.  In between they did some fun dancing.  At the end we sang happy birthday and had cake.  I think everyone had a great time.DSC_0955 22The chalk outlineDSC_0997 DSC_1026 DSC_0984DSC_1023 Ro, the instructor showing them the next steps.  Beside her is the painting of the owl Piper chose to do.DSC_1032 DSC_101425 Getting the wiggles out by dancingDSC_1042 Cake time! 12  The finished products.  It’s amazing to see how differently they all turned out.DSC_1030 Drew and his BFF Gavin who is Piper’s BFF’s brotherDSC_1095 Piper and Bella – Best Friends Forever!!DSC_110013Ms. Owl17Just a closeup of how different they all turned out.  So neat.

2 thoughts on “Piper’s Birthday Party

  1. Wow! You certainly know how to celebrate a birthday! What a wonderful time everyone must have had!
    Love and blessings+++

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