One Great Weekend!

It was a great weekend to be home.  My dad’s honorary ceremony was so nice.  I’m so proud of him and so proud to be his daughter.  It was wonderful to be surrounded by family and friends that evening.  Thanks to everyone who came out and gave their support! IMG_3144 IMG_2550The kids stayed busy with daddy.  We were all glad to be back together again.IMG_3159 The Duck!!IMG_3172 Our gorgeous cityIMG_3176 IMG_3157You can’t help but smile…

2 thoughts on “One Great Weekend!

  1. It was so nice to have you home and to be a part of the ceremonies for your Dad. Glad you had a chance to see the “duck” – I’m jealous! I’m sure that Piper, Andrew and Dave were happy to have Mommy home!
    Lots of love

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