Happy St. Patty’s Day!

It was such a nice day here that we headed down to Old Town for some window shopping and lunch.  Piper was so good and enjoyed riding in her stroller.  She loved checking out the new sights and watching us eat. 

Grandma is loving every second with her pride and joy.  She enjoys helping out with the feedings, changing a diaper or two and of course play time.  They are having a great time together!  Piper is full of smiles for Grandma.

Tonight, Piper rolled over from tummy to back for the first time.  We knew she was strong enough but it just took awhile for her to figure it out.  Hopefully next time we will catch it on film.

4 thoughts on “Happy St. Patty’s Day!

  1. Could that top picture be any cuter??? Piper has "found her place" with Grandma Jeannie! Continue to enjoy!
    Love to all+

  2. Hi everybody,
        That top picture is really cute.  Piper is growing so much!!  Uncle (Grandpa)  Ed was up for dinner last night and he mentioned that Piper hadn’t quite rolled over yet.  We must have been "sensing" her rollover!  Enjoy!
    Uncle Jack

  3. We continue to enjoy the latest "PG events."  The top photo is a real keeper!  Grandma Jeannie is certainly in her comfort zone as is Piper.

    Enjoy the Easter season as a family.  Grandpa Ed is about to head west to join the clan.  We know the Easter Bunny will be stopping by, too.


    Us + Snuggles

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