Bath time fun

As evening approaches, all Piper can think about is her bath time fun!!  Her excitement overpowers her memories of the day where she got to shop and just play around.  Grandma and Mommy took her to the mall where they got to do some exploring.  Then she settled into a fun night of kicking around and playing with her toys.  Finally off to the bath where mom and dad let her play around in the open water.  How much better does life get?  It’s so fun for a little one!

2 thoughts on “Bath time fun

  1. Top o’ the mornin’ to all!
    Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to the Pasadena Deelo (that’s O’Leed on
    this day) Family!
    We were happy talk to Daddy yesterday while the girls were helping the economy by doing some serious retail therapy.
    Keep splashing, Piper!
    Love to all+

  2. Tubby Time is the greatest, isn’t it? We just can’t believe how much she is growing and changing – those cute little rosy cheeks are adorable!! Piper I’m sure is having a great time telling Grandma about all that she has missed since last they were together. Have a wonderful time this week – Grandpa will be there soon.
    Lots of love.

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