Busy Saturday

Piper has slept really good the last two nights.  We hope the time change is finally behind her.  She started her day off happy as usual and got to spend the morning with Daddy.  They made breakfast together again and hung out.  Mommy and Grandma took Piper out shopping later in the afternoon.  She just loves riding in her stroller and checking everything out.  It’s so cute to watch her taking it all in.  Piper was able to chat over the computer with Grandpa who is really wishing he was out here too.  Time just isn’t going fast enough for him.  Then, we had dinner with a friend.  Piper was pretty tired after all of her adventures and went to sleep very easily.

One thought on “Busy Saturday

  1. Good Palm Sunday morning, everyone!
    We love all of the pics, especially the one of Dady doing the "airplane" with Piper . She looks very comfortable in that position and to us it is a sign that she will love to travel (to Beaver???) a lot some day! We are especially happy to see Grandma Snitger enjoying herself with the Princess!
    Love to all+

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