Dinner with family

What a eventful day this turned out to be for Piper.  She got up a little early to catch a quick breakfast then was off to the farmer’s market with daddy for fresh dinner fixin’s.  Then they made a trip to Trader Joe’s to complete the outing.  Finally it was back home to start the cooking for the guests tonight.

Auntie Becca, Uncle Tom, Uncle Mike &  Aunt Christine all came by for a dinner.  Uncle Tom happens to be in town from Memphis to cover the Grammy Awards tomorrow and was able to stop by and see Piper (and mommy & daddy).  What a fun evening with family, food and great desserts.  Hopefully they’ll be back soon so we can do this all again!

One thought on “Dinner with family

  1. Good morning, dearest ones!!
    We are so happy to see you all! It appears you  had a great evening.
    Uncle Randy is in Phoenix this weekend, too. SO close yet…
    We sure hope you didn’t fill Piper’s head with stories about her Daddy when he was growing up! (While most of it was good,…)
    Soon she will have a baby cousin to meet and play with!
    You all look wonderful and we love+ and miss you.
    Mom and Dad (aka G&GD)

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