A New Friend   

Piper got a care package in the mail today from Grandma Snitger.  Inside was a Valentine’s Teddy Bear that Piper adores.  She was trying to eat him up so much that we had to give her the pacifier.  Yes, Piper is taking to the pacifier from time to time now that she is getting used to the bottle.  We mainly use it in the evening as she’s struggling to stay awake.

Her and Mr. Bear got so cozy together that Piper took a quick cat nap with him before it was bath time.  Isn’t she the cutest?!

4 thoughts on “A New Friend   

  1. Oh my!! All of the photos are precious. She has a new friend and my guess is that she will love that little friend for a long time. And how special that it’s from Grandma and Grandpa. Have a fun weekend together.
    Love ya lots.

  2. She really is the cutest!!!   I love how Piper and Mr. Bear are snuggling together. I hope they continue to be "buddies".  
      Love to all of you!

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