Lots to do and see

Piper was a busy girl today.  First, she attended a mommy’s class and met lots of other babies.  She did so well and was one of the best behaved girls there.  Then she helped mommy do a bit of Christmas shopping.  We didn’t stay out long because a storm is moving in.  So this evening we got into our p.j.’s early and curled up listening to Christmas music.  No fire in the fireplace but it was comfy and warm.

4 thoughts on “Lots to do and see

  1. Piper looks like she would be a great shopper – very happy and smiling at everyone she sees. It’s never too early to learn the fine art of shopping with Mommy. Have fun getting into the Christmas spirit!
    Love ya lots.

  2. I completely agree.  In the picture above, please note how Piper is practicing to "elbow out" the shopper next to her.  Nice move !!  If she plays basketball when she grows up, this skill will prove to be handy. :0}
    Uncle Jack

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