Sunny Day

Today was a beautiful day both inside and out.  First Piper again brightened up our world by smiling so much.  Then the weather warmed up a little today and made for a great walking day.

Tonight, she took a pacifier for about 15 minutes but as soon as she saw mommy she spit it out.  I guess Piper didn’t want mom to think she was cheating on her.  So then she had her proper dinner and went to bed.  Hopefully tomorrow will have more sunny skies and fresh air!

6 thoughts on “Sunny Day

  1. Good morning, Sunshine!

    How thoughtful of Piper not to want to hurt Mommy’s feelings.
    Also, thank goodness this baby has something cute to wear!
    Much love to all+


  2. Oh these smiles are so precious.What a beautiful little one! Keep those smiles comng- we all need to see them in just a few short weeks ! 🙂
    Love ya lots.

  3. Wow, I have to say the same thing as everyone else…what a cutie.  Dave, one word of caution… that top right picture, Piper has assumed the "telephone answering position"…..this could be a problem shortly. :0}
    Can’t wait to see Piper in person!!!
    Love ya,
    Uncle Jack

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