And then there were three…

Piper took her first trip to the airport to see Grandma off this morning.  It was sad to see her go and Piper cried, well maybe she was hungry but she did cry none the less.

Today also marks another milestone for Piper, size 1 diapers.  When we brought her home from the hospital she was wearing preemie size and has come along way in almost 5 weeks!  She still isn’t a fan of her pacifier and for some reason will only take it when she’s calm.  Which sorta defeats the purpose of  a pacifier but are going to keep working on it.  On another note, she’s been doing really well taking a bottle and have been doing that once a day so she gets used to it.  Thanks to everyone for all the wonderful comments and notes!

2 thoughts on “And then there were three…

  1. Hmmm….does not care for a pacifier…will take it only when it suits her…
    hmmm…could Princess Piper possibly be genetically predisposed towards this almost willful behavior?
    We old folks seem to recall Daddy and Uncle Mike as having exhibited the same behaviors…hmmm….does the word "rockhead" ring a bell with any Deelo family members? Hmmm…. and we all know how they turned out…hmmm…
    We look for forward to sharing stories with Grandma and Grandpa Snitger soon!
    Love and blessing to all+

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