Sleeping soundly… maybe

As the days go by, Piper amazes us more each day.  Today she really wanted to sleep well but had to let us know how tired she was first.  And boy does she know how to get the attention!

So tonight we managed to get her bathed and fed before going off to sleep.  The weather has been on the warm side and a bit smokey with all those fires burning in them there hills of CA.  Just guessing but this seemed to make her a little more fussy today.  Tomorrow is supposed to be a bit cooler and that should help. As for tonight, we’re hoping she’s comfortable with a fan and a belly full of milk.  To be continued…

2 thoughts on “Sleeping soundly… maybe

  1. My, my, my, doesn’t she look contented and oh so peacful. I love to see  the photos of these little ones when they are all swaddled and you know that they are happy and satisfied – at least for the moment. Keep these great photos coming.
    Love ya lots.

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