Grandma’s in charge!

Grandma took over today while Jen was able to get a much needed hair cut.  Piper helped with the laundry and in the kitchen making stuffed shells.  Then Grandma gave her lunch and they had a great afternoon together.  Tomorrow is their last day with each other for a few weeks and Piper is really going to miss her.  Not to worry, Piper will get to meet her Grandma & Grandpa Deelo here in a few weeks. What a schedule this one keeps already!  So exciting.

2 thoughts on “Grandma’s in charge!

  1. Good morning!
    Thank goodness this child has something cute to wear! We will not have to load up our suitcases with clothes for her-well maybe a Steelers cheerleading outfit. Auntie Becca is visiting us and we are going to breakfast at the Shoppe is a few minutes. We all, Auntie Becca included, are looking forward to seeing Piper soon. Everyone will be happy to see Grandma Jeannie back here in town. SHe has been missed!
    Love to all+
    G&G Deelo and Auntie B

  2. Hi Everybody,
      I love the 2 pictures at the bottom. The one on the left has the hint of a smile–just enough to tease you.  And the one on the right is pure contentment.  Again, what a doll!!
    Uncle Jack

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