Two week doctor check-up

We took Piper back to the doctors for her two week check-up this morning and the doctor was impressed with how well she is doing.  She has grown an inch in two weeks now at 20in long and weighing in at 6lbs 7.5 oz.  During the day we have to wake her every 2-3 hours for a feeding in hopes we can get a longer stretch at night.  Keep your fingers crossed.  We will go back in another 4 weeks and can’t wait to see how big she is then.

Today was Dave’s first day back to work and we really missed him at home.  He has been such a big help and a great Daddy and we couldn’t have gotten this far without him.  It’s going to take some adjusting not having him around all day. 

Piper is doing better with her feedings and hopefully she will keep it up.  We might introduce a bottle soon so she gets used to the idea.  Our concern is that she drinks too fast, so we’re hoping it isn’t too hard for her to adjust.  Any advice from the veteran moms is welcome!!

4 thoughts on “Two week doctor check-up

  1. Good morning, all!
    Did you lose or misplace the owner’s manual between the hospital and home?

    You guys are doing great! Just keep doing it. You will be able to tell what is best for Piper.

    Love and blessings+

  2. Well, since you said comments are welcome from Veteran Moms…first of all, keep up the good work. My best advice to Jen is to stay well nourished, well rested, and well hydrated. With Grandma Snitger and Dave around, I am sure you are well taken care of. Piper looks like someone we know…hmmmm.

  3. Hi everybody. The photos of Piper are so adorble – is it possible that she is getting cuter and cuter??!!It certainly sounds like you are doing just the right things for Piper because she’s growing. Good idea about the bottle – then Daddy will be able to feed her, too. And of course, Grandma will, as well. Have fun!

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