Lots of looking

Today Piper turns 2 weeks old and she’s growing very well.  Last night was a much better night and we were able to get some fairly good rest.  She’s definitely very curious and making lots of great noises.

Tomorrow is back to work for Dave, his work was very nice to let him off for 2 weeks in a row.  They’ve been very supportive of everything and make it easy to transition back.  He’s had a few good weeks to help get things rolling and now it’s up to Mom and Grandma Snitger to hold down the fort.  As long as Piper keeps up the good behavior, the days should be good.

Hope everyone is enjoying the nice fall weather as of late, I know it’s been a great transition here in California.

4 thoughts on “Lots of looking

  1. She really has the smile that captures our hearts! And, Wow! She is growing so fast! Fasten your seat belts…she is on a roll! Thanks again for sharing!

  2. Hi Everybody,
      The first picture is a great shot.  Piper seems to be saying, "OK, cool, I think I’ve got this baby-thing going pretty well".  Oh, and you better watch, Mom, she’s sticking her tounge out at you already…..it may be a test!!!  :0}
    Uncle Jack

  3. Oh My Goodness!!
    What a sweet little Munchkin!
    I see a dimple!
    She’s smirking like she’s hiding some keys or something…..
    hmmm…she is her father’s daughter.
    Good Work Jen & Dave!

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