Happy Anniversary!

Today, we had a visit from Jen’s friend Erin.  It was so nice to see her and catch up on things.  Piper behaved herself and slept soundly in her arms.

We had another experience bathing.  It went about as well as the time before.  She cried real tears and it was so traumatic.  Funny how crazy her hair gets after a bath, but isn’t she sweet when she’s sleeping?

Today, is our 6th wedding anniversary.  It’s amazing how different things are now.  Last year we were sipping champagne at the Ritz in Paris.  This year we are taking care of our little one.  It’s almost hard to remember what our lives were like before her. Hopefully tomorrow we can sneak out and get a bite to eat while Grandma watches Piper. 

4 thoughts on “Happy Anniversary!

  1. Happy 6th, Jen and Dave!! How true the difference a year’s time can make. This time next year you will look back and see how little she was and how much she has grown in 12 short months! The bath time will get easier – soon she will be splashing and having a great time. Enjoy you little time away because Grandma will be just fine.
    Love ya lots.

  2. Good morning, all!

    Early in the game, you have discovered the same truth we did 37 years ago with our first "baby":
    It ‘s a good thing this kid is good looking!

    Happy anniversary!

    Love and blessings+

  3. Happy Anniversary! Can’t believe yunz have been married this long!? You folks are wonderful parents! Piper is gorgeous! Isn’t it amazing how fast she is changing? Enjoy! One day she will be sipping champagne with you two in Paris!

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