A Quiet Day

There’s not much new to report today.  Grandpa Snitger made it off okay and is now back in Beaver.   We want to thank him for all his help and hope he makes it back out soon!

Tomorrow we are taking Piper to the doctors and have her weighed.  Looking forward to a substantial weight gain since she’s been eating quite a bit more.  Last visit to the doctor’s she was at 5lb 12.5oz which was roughly 95% of her birth weight.  We’re guessing she’s made significant progress. Keep you posted on that.

3 thoughts on “A Quiet Day

  1. Hi Jen, Dave, Piper and Jeannie,

    We are attempting our first comment per instructions received today.  We are really enjoying opening the blog page and learning about each new day’s happenings.  Piper Grace is certainly a little Princess, and she seems to be enjoying all of the attention….except for maybe the baths.  We hope this message makes it through.


    Uncle Chuck and Aunt Joyce

  2. Dear Piper,
    I miss not being to hold you already. I hope Grandma is filling in in my place. Jen, I’m glad you had a quiet day – you sure need one! Everything here is going along OK, but wish I were still there. What great shot of Piper. I hope she has gained her weight back and more – anxious to hear.
    Give Piper a big hug for me.

    Love, Grandpa

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