Field Trip to the Huntington Gardens

It was such a gorgeous day we thought we would show Piper the Huntington Gardens.  She enjoyed being pushed around by Grandpa and Grandma Snitger. Or should I say, they really enjoyed pushing her around.  The other part of the day was filled with eating and sleeping.  It seems her tummy must be growing since she ate so much more today than any other time. She tricked her mommy into thinking she was done when really she wanted more.  We hope this isn’t foreshadowing a long night a head. 

Grandpa Snitger is leaving tomorrow.  We’re going to miss him but Piper is going to miss him the most.  He’s been such a big help in taking care of her during the day as you can see from the many photos and also during the evenings while we are eating.  It didn’t take long for him to become Piper’s favorite resting spot.  Come back soon, Grandpa!

6 thoughts on “Field Trip to the Huntington Gardens

  1. Good morning, everyone!
    Thanks for the updates! You have no idea how much we look forward to them! Did you do high tea at the Huntington, too? We hear that is really the thing to do!
    We can appreciate how difficult it must be for Grandpa Snitger to leave Pasadena, but we hope to see him here in Beaver and get some further first-hand news about Princess Piper!
    Keep up the good work with our little darling.
    Love and blessings to all+

  2. Hi everybody. What did we do before the internet??? It is so wonderful to sit down and click on to your site and find new photos everyday. I’ve only heard how lovely Huntington Gardens are so I’m sure that Piper loved them. Grandpa must be very sad to leave. But like the rest of us he can also stay up to date with your terrific web site.
    Piper has changed so much from last week – it is so much fun to watch her progress.
    Have a wonderful day. Love ya lots.

  3. Did you realize that you adults were all color coordinated at the gardens?! Piper is really changing from what I see in the photos! You all look so happy. How wonderful that Grandma and Grandpa Snitger have a place nearby. We all really appreciate the updates and beautiful photos. Maybe this computer stuff isn’t so bad, huh. Enjoy!

  4. These updates are great!  They’ve become a part of my daily routine.  And my goodness, I think Piper has a more active social life than I do!  🙂

  5. I have to agree with the "thanks" for the internet. It is so nice to see these daily pictures.  Piper will change very quickly in her first few weeks and months and we don’t want to miss anything. She looks pretty comfy all nuzzled in with grandpa. At 9 days, it looks like they have become buddies. Take care and love ya all.

  6. What a lovely outing for you all!  Grandpa will sure miss his new pal!
    Keep the pictures coming.  Piper is changing so fast!
    Have a great day!
    Aunt Barbie

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