Welcome October

October has arrived and what a better gift for Piper than her 1st pumpkin from Grandpa!  Even though it’s a bit larger than she is, it still makes for a perfect beginning to a fun fall month. Piper even got into costume with her ghost outfit and is ready for the season.

We took her out for another walk today and she’s really taking well to life on the road.  Went a little longer today up and down hills which was a little bumpy. She didn’t quite size up to the infant seat so well, but made the most of it by sleeping the entire time.  Once we got home she wanted to eat and quick!  When this one wants something, she wants it now.  I think we get about 5-10 seconds of warning before the siren sounds and boy does it sound.  Or maybe it’s payback for that bath yesterday, who knows? 

3 thoughts on “Welcome October

  1. All 3 of these pictures are great! Grandpa Ed’s ball handling skills are coming back to help him. He has Piper and the pumpkin (or both "punkins") securely tucked away. The other picture is the best one yet of the full head of hair (I’m still jealous). What a doll !!!!

  2. Good morning!
    As we stated in our first blog last Tuesday, this is one woman who will not want to be kept waiting and your narrative bears out this prediction!
    Also, Grandpa Ed and Grandma Jeannie are looking entirely toooo happy in these pictures!
    Love Piper’s seasonal taste in clothes. Guess Grandma Deelo will have to refer to Piper as "punkin" just as she does the  grandsons.
    Looking forward to visiting in the near future!
    Love and blessings+
    Grandma and Grandpa Deelo

  3. Piper’s looks are changing in just a week’s time! She is filling out so nice. You folks are doing a great job with her. You all look great! Keep the cool photos coming.

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