A BIG day for Piper

Piper had many firsts today.  We started the day off going on a walk to Grandma and Grandpa’s apartment.  It was a gorgeous sunny day!  She did so well and slept the entire way over.

Then we changed into our Steelers attire for the game (it was a bit too large but she’s growing into it).  We then watched a difficult 60 minutes of football taking comfort in knowing there’s probably no way to go but up from what was witnessed today.

Then after a day of sleeping on Grandpa she had her first bath.  This made for a very unhappy baby.  We hurried as fast as we could washing her up.  Hair gel might be required for the next bath.  She then snuggled in with Grandma to warm up and discuss the abuses she witnessed only moments before.  We think Grandma and Piper are getting along just fine.

6 thoughts on “A BIG day for Piper

  1. Don’t worry, Piper darling! CYS in Pasadena has been anonymously notified about the insufferable abuses to which you have been subjected!
    We may not be there in person, but Childline will keep us updated!

    Glad all is going so well. Keep those great pics and narratives coming!

    Love and blessings to all+
    Grandma and Grandpa Deelo

  2. Hi, everybody. I took Dave’s advice and went back to the original site and got on immediately. Thanks for the advice, Dave. We’re loving the pics. First of all the weather looks terrific for a new little one to be out and about. Then, look at that grin on Grandpa’s face- what a great shot! Poor Piper  – those first few baths can be rough. But Grandma calmed her down just like Grandmas do. The Steelers could have done better for Piper’s first game, don’t you think? Maybe next week. Thanks for all the great photos – we love them all!!
    Love ya lots!

  3. Hi Everyone!!

    I can’t believe its been one week since little Piper arrived! She’s such a doll…and Jen you look fantastic! I love looking at the pictures (and so does Payton…she can’t wait to meet baby Piper!)

    Dave, it looks like papa-hood fits you well…you drive that stroller like a pro!

    Glad Grandma and Grandpa are lending a helping hand, too! (like you had to twist their arms, right!?!)  

    And I do see that even though Piper was born in CA, she’s a black and gold girl at heart! Go Steelers!

    Love to all!

    Nicole 🙂

  4. Love this blog so much.  Can’t wait each day to check out all the new pics and I swear she has changed just in the first week.  Ed and Jeannie, do you ever  think you will come back to Beaver?  It sure doesn’t look like it from the pics.  What a great time for all of you!!!!  Keep those pics coming.

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